OAR Job Types

Available pre-configuration of jobs.

The OAR reservation systems allows you to reserve machines with a job type. In short, a job type in a pre-configuration that is applied to the machines before the job starts. In this page we will describe the available job types in DI-Cluster. If you are not familiar with OAR and the basics of the DI-Cluster usage, please first look at the Getting Started page.

To reserve machines with a job type use option -t <job type name> of command oarsub. Eg.

$ oarsub -I -t docker-swarm

The available job types are:


This job type prepares a standard docker swarm with the machines of the reservation. The first machine is set as the manager, while the remaining machines are configured as workers.

For clarity, in the following example we ask for 4 machines with the docker-swarm job type.

$ oarsub -I -l/nodes=4 -t docker-swarm
[ADMISSION RULE] Set default walltime to 3600.
[ADMISSION RULE] Modify resource description with type constraints
Interactive mode: waiting...

Connect to OAR job 2864 via the node node1
user@node1:~$ docker node ls
ID                            HOSTNAME            STATUS              AVAILABILITY        MANAGER STATUS      ENGINE VERSION
c3rj0gh54quo4dapwc2sm0d3c *   node1               Ready               Active              Leader              19.03.6
naj9370qojsoxw3tm0hifjfdz     node2               Ready               Active                                  19.03.6
27t9mtll3y8k45dmizflb47qi     node3               Ready               Active                                  19.03.6
fjxhmpp3u2ws1poz21c4ypbbb     node4               Ready               Active                                  19.03.6


This job type prepares a standard kubernetes cluster with the machines of the reservation. A user is only allowed to have a single knets job a time (i.e., you are not allow to have simultaneous knets jobs). Similarly, to the docker-swarm job, the first node is set as manager, while the remaining are configured as workers.

For clarity, in the following example we ask for 4 machines with the knets job type.

$ oarsub -I -l/nodes=4 -t knets
[ADMISSION RULE] Set default walltime to 3600.
[ADMISSION RULE] Modify resource description with type constraints
Interactive mode: waiting...

Connect to OAR job 2864 via the node node1
user@node1:~$ kubectl get node
node1   Ready    master   17m   v1.19.2
node2   Ready    <none>   17m   v1.19.2
node3   Ready    <none>   17m   v1.19.2
node4   Ready    <none>   17m   v1.19.2

Note however that preparing a kubernetes cluster may take some time


This job type prepares a kubernetes cluster that uses calico as the networking framework for the cluster.


This job type prepares a spark cluster using hadoop. The job prepares a master and a worker on each machine of the reservation. The master in the first machine, acts as primary, while the other are redundant replicas.

Last modified 24.09.2020